
Rory Harding
022 436 4585
Dunedin, New Zealand
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  1. Pagi from Papua. Reading your George St orchard info in Timika, Papua as I was sourcing ideas of what to plant in our sloping slice of Ravensbourne when we come home next year (now that I don’t have that kun kune Beetles aka Boris eating everything.) Then I saw the gorgeous Kate. Know wonder the #7garden always looked so fabulous. Your orchard looks magical. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Hi Rory,

    I am a kiwi living in the south west of France, Bidart Basque Country. It is a similar climate her to NZ. I purchased 2 tamarillo plants whilst in Portugal (PORTO) last year and unfortunately the frost got them, however I have just discovered in my Aloe Vera plant tucked away behind the garden shed that something is growing. I wanted to check if what is growing is indeed the Tamarillo plant. I replanted my aloe vera in a pot and I think I left some soil in there when I replanted it to put it under shelter for the winter . Is it possible that the tamarillo plants regrew? It looks very much like it. I have now put the pot at the front door where it is sheltered for the winter here in France. I needed to check if the plant is a tamarillo so I googled – YOUNG Plant Images and got your gorgeous George Street Garden. Wanted to tell you how lovely I think it is. Good on you. THanks for the joy. Made me feel homesick. Best regards Natalie (ex Wgtn)

    1. Hi Natalie, yes they can regrow from the base – one of ours is coming away this spring after dying back from a 180cm 2 year old to 10cm! We have since been given some orange tamarillos from a gardener on the Otago peninsula. Slightly hardier he reckons, these were laden with fruit when I visited his garden in September (still a mostly frost free microclimate though). Thanks for your compliments, I’m glad you you like it.

  3. Hi Roy,
    Interesting site!!
    We are in Masterton and get pretty hard frosts here.
    Do you know where I can obtain any Gevuina nut seedlings/€
    pete clarkson

  4. Hi there Rory, thanks for your reply. I have been away for 3 weeks and have just found the tamarillo plant looking a bit sick. Not enough water or a bit cold out there so I have put it in the front porch. Doesn’t seem to like it there either. Should I put it in the garage beside a window where it gets plenty of sun (over winter I mean). Thanks for any advice you could provide. I really don’t want it to die. The Aloe Vera is fine – they share the pot.
    Hope you are enjoying warmer weather down under???

    Kind regards

    1. Hi Natalie, a covered porch would be enough here but I’m not sure how cold it gets there so maybe in the garage would be good just to be sure. Early December in Dunedin has been a mixed bag as per usual! Having a chilly few days right now – my bones are a bit cold! Lots of lovely rain though, no irrigation required so far – plenty of ground moisture ready for the warmth when it arrives. All the best

  5. Thanks Rory, It doesn’t get that cold here in the south west in winter, occasional frosts. Actually it’s been averaging 17 degrees the last few weeks – sunny every single day – quite amazing. Sounds like the rain will be saving you an extra job of watering. Let’s just hope the warmth arrives soon and you can warm your bones!!!! Ok so I’ll leave the tamarillo in the garage and water it from time to time. I hope it survives because I have no idea where to buy another plant around here. So have a great day. I’m off to bed.
    Thanks again
    Kind regards Natalie

  6. I have 15 heritage fruit trees apple and pears in the back of my 1/8 acre home in kaikorai Dunedin i am getting worse trouble with bugs in the friuit tiger like hairy worm that needs harvesting in January a nice red ealy eating apple always known for this worm infection A large coocker known for a pithy mouldyish core center and a large tree with what looks like earwig infestation
    I spent a lot of winter using a watering can with garlic water application , neglected in mid January and February Orchard grass has not been cut since October.

    Yes I see a lot of housekeeping husbandry to keep up and continue Any ideas that will help to have clean fruit trees. Kind Regards Tony Brosnan

    1. Hi Tony, sounds rough this year! I would probably begin by transitioning the orchard (or at least some of it) from grass to a woody mulched garden with lots of herbaceous plants that will help out compete the grass in the long term. This could include russian comfrey, creeping comfrey, sweet cicely, white clover, spring bulbs etc. Grass is the enemy of fruit trees! Hopefully within a couple of years the health improves and then reassess the bug problems after that.

  7. Hi Rory I read your reply here to Tony and will follow suit with my few fruit trees which are surrounded by grass too. Thanks again for your advice. It’s summer here and peach tree is laiden!!!! Too much so – a branch broke under the weight earlier on in the week. Regrds Natalie

  8. Hi Rory,
    I’ve just found your site. I’ve been trying to find advice on growing Gevuina avellana from seed. I’ve been lucky enough to have some seed given to me recently. Last year I had just a few (?5) of which just one germinated and then rotted off. I suspect the seed was not fully ripe, since it as quite green still. I note your lovely healthy looking seedlings and wonder whether you would share your secrets to give these seeds the best chance at life! I have one baby plant bought as a pot grown plant this year that has started to grow, so I think is doing OK.

    1. Hi there (Nancy?). I definitely don’t have any secrets! But fully ripe seed is a must for sure and I sowed the seed (just under the surface) as soon as it was ready. I think I just left the seed tray outside over the winter (mild frosts only in our sheltered nursery). Good luck next time! Rory

      1. Thanks Rory,
        I’m worried about the amount of rain we get. Last time I put the pot just inside the polytunnel door, so it got a bit of rain, but hopefully not too much. What sort of compost did you use? I’m thinking of using home made bracken compost, with extra sand added. I might beg some ripe seeds off you in 18 months if these don’t germinate. Are they worth the effort in your opinion?

        1. I used Dalton’s organic potting mix. I don’t have any seeds yet, and won’t for a few years as my plants are only 1 year old. I got a few seeds from a friend. Yes, they are worth it.

  9. Do you think that you get so many feijo because of the brick construction of your house? I had 2 trees 1 died and the other has flowers but no fruit. However, I live in Glenleith and I guess the elevation is about 200m snows almost every winter.

    1. Hi Roland, the feijoas aren’t very close to the brick house (the ones out the front are 4m away). I think the bigger trees down the back benefit mostly from the increased light (white painted concrete blocks) and protection from the southerly winds. Because the wall is white it doesn’t absorb much heat, but if the tenants heat the building, and I assume they do at least a little, then some will be radiating outwards to raise temperatures slightly. 200m is definitely a bit different. Maybe try adding another for pollination. Flowers but no fruit means it needs a friend! Cheers

  10. Hi Rory,
    On your 22 Jan 2018 post, there is a photo of a haskap under a persimmon. If the haskap is the type that has edible purple berries, can yo tell me where I can get one?

  11. Hi Rory,
    I have been thinking for now in purchasing a sakura cherry blossom tree, basically I am unsure where is best to purchase them from and any requirements in looking after it afterwards. I have tried researching but I just got confused. I rent so ideally would place it in a pot so it is possible to take with me for when and if I find a new place. Also, when is the right time to buy one? Advice and/or help appreciated and welcomed.

    1. Hi Kloe, I’ve never heard of that particular tree, but I suspect (like most deciduous trees) best to plant in late autumn/winter. It’s best not to put in a pot – wait until you have place in the ground until you buy. Try to buy ‘bare rooted’ one year old if possible

  12. Hi Rory, Good to see your website and property video. Always wanted to see it as earlier contact from me Tony Brosnan spoke of dirty fruit trees (what I call Tiger grub in the fruit) I’ve seen your replies. I will get stuck into mulching with woodbark. In my view there will be no end of practical things to eliminate this dreadful pest. Thanks Rory I’m at the Hope Centre with my friends Corinda and Bev. I look forward for an open discussion through email with you and others.
    Thanks very much
    Tony Brosnan

  13. Hi, I have just found your website. I am growing two cocktail kiwifruit plants, not sure whether they are male or female. I would like to be able to obtain the correct plant so I can get some fruit. I live in the Dunedin area.

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